USACE Levee Safety Program
More than 13 million people live or work behind levees in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) Levee Safety Program.
USACE partners with levee sponsors to manage more than 1,600 levees across the U.S. that help reduce flood risk to people, businesses, critical infrastructure, and the environment.

The USACE Levee Safety Program serves as an organizing framework to improve consistency and coordination in how levee-related activities are implemented across USACE. These activities are intended to inform the community and support defendable levee decisions.
This toolbox is intended to help decision makers, community members, and levee sponsors better understand levee design, construction, operation and maintenance, and preparedness.
Levee Safety Resources
These resources are provided by the USACE Levee Safety Program.
Flood Risk Resources
These resources are provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
What is the Levee Safety Toolbox?
The Levee Safety Toolbox is a resource designed to support USACE staff, public sponsors for congressionally-authorized levees, and the public access guidance, tools, and resources related to the USACE Levee Safety Program. Currently, the toolbox only includes a public interface and links to relevant guidance, tools, and training to support those working on USACE Levee Safety Program levee activities day-to-day. A USACE-only portion of the toolbox is planned to be released later in 2024.
Why was the Levee Safety Toolbox developed?
The toolbox was developed to provide a one-stop-shop for USACE Levee Safety Program guidance, tools, and resources. The toolbox provides links to current policies and information and tools related to levee-related activities. In addition, the toolbox consolidates links to related topics such as Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) resources for communities near levees, and guidance and materials for the Public Law 84-99 Rehabilitation and Section 408 programs.
Who is the Levee Safety Toolbox intended to support?
This toolbox is designed to support USACE staff, public sponsors for congressionally authorized levees, and members of the public with an interest in infrastructure, levee-related practices, and flood risk management.
How does the Levee Safety Toolbox relate to other existing sites?
The toolbox helps direct users to current policy, relevant tools, and similar information. It is most helpful for those working on USACE Levee Safety Program activities, such as levee design, inspections, risk assessments, or planning for communication.
I’m a member of the public, where can I learn more about the USACE Levee Safety Program?
If you want to read more information about the USACE Levee Safety Program and how it fits within the USACE civil works mission, please visit our public facing webpage, This webpage is also used to facilitate engagement on draft policies prior to them being final. Have more questions or want to talk more about USACE’s Levee Safety Program? Email us at
I work for USACE, where can I learn more about the USACE Levee Safety Program?
There are several resources you may find helpful. The USACE Levee Safety Program Knowledge Management Portal provides an overview of the program and key points of contact at the headquarters and regional offices ( In late 2024, the toolbox will also include an internal only page that will include templates such as for program management plans.
Risk Assessments
USACE performs risk assessments on levees to evaluate and understand the flood risk and to determine the level of risk that the levees pose to surrounding areas. Risk assessments help to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in levee systems, assess the likelihood of levee failure during flood events, and estimate the potential consequences and impacts of such failures.
Risk assessments enable USACE and stakeholders to proactively manage and address potential flood risks and guide decision makers in making informed choices about levee infrastructure and flood management strategies. The assessments also contribute to informed decision-making processes regarding levee accreditation for the National Flood Insurance Program, which ensures that the public is adequately protected and insured against flood damages.
Flood risk and the levee conditions can change over time. Levee banks can erode, closures rust, animals dig tunnels, and pumps wear out. To ensure that levees work properly during a flood, constant watchfulness is necessary.
USACE regularly inspects levees as part of its Levee Safety Program. These inspections help monitor the overall condition of the levees, find problems or weaknesses, make sure necessary maintenance work is being performed, determine if the levee qualifies for federal assistance for repairs (Public Law (P.L) 84-99 Rehabilitation Program), and provide information to the public who rely on these levees.The inspection information is also used to assess the risk of flooding.
The Levee Safety Program integrates knowledge and expertise from other USACE business lines including planning, programs, real estate, and engineering and construction, among others.
Design & Construction
A risk-informed approach will be used for all dam and levee designs for new projects, modifications, improvements, rehabilitation, or repairs. Risk assessments are the cornerstone for application of a risk-informed decision making approach.
Operations & Maintenance
Regular operations and maintenance are crucial for the usefulness and lifespan of levees and floodwalls. By practicing good operations and maintenance, communities can enhance the reliability of levees and floodwalls, which can reduce the risk of flooding.